About us
  hoffmann Armaturen is a German producer of high-quality shower kits and slide bars as well as shower hoses and
accessories. Since years we develop and produce high-quality products for the bathroom. Our partners, the wholesalers
for sanitary products in both the national and international market, appreciate us as a fl exible and innovative
manufacturer who is focused on the demands and requirements of his customers.

You, our partners in the wholesale area as well as your partners and their customers who use our products on a
daily basis, are the priority of our daily business. Our aim can be summarized in two words: customer satisfaction.

All employees of hoffmann Armaturen are striving to achieve this aim for you day by day.

As a manufacturer we offer additional advantages to our customers in regards of our product portfolio and being
able to quickly adjust to market demands. You can expect the delivery of high quality products with cutting-edge
technology, qualifi ed consulting and special service and last but not least just-in-time delivery.